How To Improve Shipping Sustainability

Commercial shipping delivers a massive impact on the environment in terms of pollution. Here are a few ways to maximize commercial shipping sustainability.

Wingsails for Cargoships

Winngsails are a piece of technology similar to traditional sails on sailboats. Wingsails capture wind power and assist the internal combustion engine powering the boat. This piece of technology can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%.

Recycled Packaging

Using recycled packaging to ship items is an excellent way to minimize waste and reuse products that have plenty of life left. Pallets can be made of compressed cardboard or organic matter such as straw or grass. 

Return Fee for Empty Packages

Offering a return fee for empty packages is a great way to reduce the amount of waste produced in transit. Offer customers a return of their deposit for glass items, plastic packaging, pallets or cardboard boxes.

Go Solar

Use solar panels to power equipment on board such as electronics and water pumps. A few panels can easily be installed on the deck and have a significant impact on carbon emission reduction.

There are many ways to reduce carbon emissions and increase sustainability in commercial shipping. These are just a few ways to be more ecologically conscious, and sustainable technology is improving all the time.